We are very proud to announce that EcoConcept has officially been granted to be part of the Cleantech Impact Accelerator Program (CIA). The program is starting this month of October 2020.
We are looking forward to these new possibilities to reach out with our environmentally friendly solutions and find new co-operations – both with larger stakeholders and other entrepreneurs within the cleantech area in Denmark and Sweden.
Within the Cleantech Impact Accelerator EcoConcept will look forward to receiving:
- Access to strategic developments of greener cities and how to engage in partnerships with relevant stakeholders for new business opportunities.
- Possibilities to receive technological validation of our solutions by experts.
- Tailor-made training programs.
- Networking possibilities.
- Practicing of our pitch-deck for potential clients and/or investors.
- Access to potential funding and investments.
#cleantech #greencities #ecoconcept